Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm Still Here!

Wow! So it has been 3 months since I posted... Time goes fast! We have been super busy. We are getting our basement finished! Yay! We need more room since toys take up so much of it.. A couple of weeks ago we went to the Dane County Breakfast on the farm. They had a lot of different animals there that Cora loved visiting with, but we forgot our camera. She especially liked the cows :)

I love Summer! I know it is super hot out right now, but I still think Summer is my favorite season, as long as I have either air conditioning, a fast convertible or a swimming pool nearby that is :)

Sadie went swimming for the first time ever last Sunday! She loved it, I thought she might scream, but she just chilled out and relaxed in her ladybug float.. she is definitely my daughter :) Cora started sleeping in her "big girl bed" a couple of nights ago.. she loves it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internet Browsers

Ok, So I forgot I wanted to also say that Internet Explorer SUCKS!! It is super slow. So we downloaded Google Chrome, which is way faster.. and then someone told us that Firefox is good too, so we downloaded that and it's even FASTER that Google Chrome. I HATE Internet Explorer.


My oldest Daughter Cora has a little bit of a cold right now. She is almost 2. When I was pregnant with her I went out and bought infant Tylenol, and infant Tylenol Cold meds. It was still on the market then. We would give it to her to help alleviate her symptoms and make her feel a little better when she did have a cold. Now we are out of it. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that they took it off the market because parents were giving their kids too much of it? I mean are you kidding me? ANYBODY could take or give to someone too much of ANYTHING! So now my kids have to suffer because of idiot parents? That makes no sense at all to me, if they are that stupid they shouldn't be having kids anyways. The directions are right on the container. This really pisses me off. If I would have known this was going to happen I would have bought a lot more than 1 bottle of it. I hate stupid people. I would have to say that is my biggest pet peeve in the whole world. People who can't drive are a close second, but oh wait.. those are the same stupid people! HAH! The people that cause the Tylenol cold to go off the market are probably just buying the childrens version and giving that instead anyways. DUH! I thought maybe I could use that.. but you can't use that until they are 4. You know what? for some reason I have had more than my share of colds etc this season and let me tell you.. of course I took meds to try and make me feel better.. they don't help completely but they sure make a difference. But then if you are a kid you just have to put up with it.. does this make any sense at all??

You know what else pisses me off? people who don't RSVP. To be honest.. I'm not even sure what the letters all stand for, however I do know that it is common courtesy to at least let someone know if you are going to be able to make it to something or not. Especially if it says that lunch will be served. I mean seriously.. obviously I need to know how many people are coming so I know how much food to buy and cook. How long does it take.. maybe a couple of minutes to let someone know if you can make it or not. I have a landline phone, which has an answering machine.. I have a cell phone which has voicemail.. and I even have EMAIL! A message would suffice. I would really like to try and teach people a lesson or at least try to get this concept through their thick skulls by having them show up and telling them that they can't eat because I don't have enough food for them because THEY didn't tell me they were coming. Or when they show up at the door after not RSVP'ing, I should act all surprised.. like.. Oh HI! What are you doing here..

ok I feel a tiny bit better now.. thanks :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Winter Blah's

So I haven't posted in a while.. not much going on really..

Cora had an eye appointment yesterday.. our appt was at 8:30 for a test and 9:00 for the doctor.. he was already 4 people and 45 minutes behind!! I mean seriously.. that early in the morning and that far behind?? yikes..

I'm supposed to be on a diet with some other people.. but man.. I hate to exercise.. I'm watching what I eat.. just not sure how much that will help.. that and the fact that Burger King has Pink Panther toys in their kids meals isn't helping either! Plus we are going to the Melting Pot for their 80's night tonight..

I am so ready for spring and summer.. but it's only February.. ackkkkkk

I think I want to felt my bag some more.. I'm not sure how much of the stitches you are supposed to be able to see but I think I want them showing less.. not that I want it too much smaller.. but it's been bugging me.. It's just been sitting on the counter unused.. I think that might be why

Friday, February 6, 2009

My First Felted Bag!

Hey y'all.. I got my bag finished.. Here it is before I felted it:

and here it is after I felted it and sewed the button on:

I think it turned out alright.. for my first bag and first felted project.. I already have the stuff to start my next one.. it will be a little bigger..

So what is my next project you ask? Well, I am working on a afghan that will be red and white checkered... and I'm going to make a cozy for my Nintendo DS.. I don't want it to get all scratched up hehe :)

Sadie had her 4 month well child check on Wednesday.. She weighs 13 # 4 oz. She only weighs 4 ounces more than Cora did at this age. I was surprised. She just seems so much chunkier than Cora ever was.. hehe Cora also had a weight check and her weight is back up.. she is in the 10th percentile now.. so that's good..

We are going to go look at a couple of houses tomorrow.. we need more room.. if we don't move then we are going to have the basement finished.. baby and toddler toys are taking over our house!

I can't wait for spring! Even though we forgot to plant tulip bulbs last fall.. It is supposed to be 50 tomorrow! That's practically short weather haha

Have a good weekend everybody


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Stuff

So they say that babies are supposed to sleep on their backs.. but what if they fall asleep during tummy time? Sadie is sleeping in her rainforest on her tummy.. I don't want to wake her!

Does anyone watch the show True Beauty? on this week's episode there was a 101 year old woman on whose name was Sadie :)

I'm trying to start Cora on potty training.. except she is afraid to sit on her potty with her pants down.. she's fine if her pants are up.. hmm..

I'm just getting my bag ready to felt. I'm going to felt it tomorrow night at a friends house since we have a front loader washer.. I'll take before and after pictures and post them next time.

Cora has a new word she just started saying.. it's Please :)

Sonic just opened a few days ago near here... their burgers are really good! and I love the flavored pop! I had a watermelon sprite the other day and cherry sprite yesterday :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

1st Date Anniversary and Kisses

Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of Scott and I's first date! On our first date we had dinner at Pizzeria Unos and went bowling. So yesterday I thought he was leaving work early so we could go to Mo's Steakhouse in Milwaukee for dinner. We had reservations at 6 pm. But, of course he had surprises up his sleeves! :)

He had taken the whole day off!! He got up and took the kids to grandma and grandpas for the day while I got ready. First we went to lunch, at Unos of course, then we went bowling! He won the first game and I won the second.. then we went mini golfing! One of the local mini golfing places in town built an indoor mini golf course that just opened last year. It was a blast! Then we went to Applebee's for dessert! Then we went home for a little while before leaving for Milwaukee. It was such a fun day off from the regular routine, which was much appreciated since it's the middle of winter! I'm so lucky to have him for my husband!

We taught Cora how to blow kisses and she has been going around kissing things lately. It's so darn cute!! She will give us kisses, and Checkers kisses.. I've even seen her give her baby sister a kiss! This morning while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse she blew Mickey Mouse a kiss!

Have a good weekend everybody :)
